Introduction ============ ``HavNegpy`` is an Python package to analyze the dielectric spectrsocopy data. The package is written specifically to analyze the dielectric loss and real part of AC conductivity. ``HavNeg`` is an acronym for Havriliak and Negami function. The package contains three modules and each module can be instantiated as:: >>> import HavNegpy as h >>> hn = h.HN() >>> hn_deri = h.HN_derivative() >>> cond = h.Conductivity() All modules contain same methods which includes: ``selecting range of data``, ``dumping initial fit parameters``, ``perform least squares fitting``, ``creating an analysis file to save fit results``, and ``save the fit results``. Besides, other method include ``initial view of fit parameters`` A clear description is provided in the tutorial. Note: Some HTML images aren't rendered in the tutorials page. All tutorial notebooks are available at